

Monday, 30 November 2009

The Science & Technology of Carbon Nanotubes

Hardcover: 199 pages
Publisher: Elsevier; 1st ed edition (August 1, 1999)
Language: English
ISBN: 0080426964
List Price: $152.95

Book Description
Carbon Nanotubes (CNT) is the material lying between fullerenes and graphite as a new member of carbon allotropes. The study of CNT has gradually become more and more independent from that of fullerenes. As a novel carbon material, CNTs will be far more useful and important than fullerenes from a practical point of view, in that they will be directly related to an ample field of nanotechnology. This book presents a timely, second-generation monograph covering as far as practical, application of CNT as the newest science of these materials. Most updated summaries for preparation, purification and structural characterisation of single walled CNT and multi walled CNT are given. Similarly, the most recent developments in the theoretical treatments of electronic structures and vibrational structures are covered. The newest magnetic, optical and electrical solid-state properties providing a vital base to actual application technologies are described. Explosive research trends towards application of CNTs, including the prospect for large-scale synthesis, are also introduced. It is the most remarkable feature of this monograph that it devotes more than a half of the whole volume to practical aspects and offers readers the newest developments of the science and technological aspects of CNTs.

Book Info
Discusses the carbon nanotube (CNT), the ultrathin carbon fibre with nanometersize diameter, and micrometer-size length accidently discovered by a discharging process preparing small carbon clusters named by fullerenes

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Carbon Materials for Advanced Technologies

The inspiration for this book came from an American Carbon Society Workshop entitled "Carbon Materials for Advanced Technologies" which was hosted by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in 1994. Chapter 1 contains a review of carbon materials, and emphasizes the structure and chemical bonding in the various forms of carbon, including the four allotropes diamond, graphite, carbynes, and the fullerenes. In addition, amorphous carbon and diamond films, carbon nanoparticles, and engineered carbons are discussed. The most recently discovered allotrope of carbon, i.e., the fullerenes, along with carbon nanotubes, are more fully discussed in Chapter 2, where their structure-property relations are reviewed in the context of advanced technologies for carbon based materials. The synthesis, structure, and properties of the fullerenes and nanotubes, and modification of the structure and properties through doping, are also reviewed. Potential applications of this new family of carbon materials are considered.
The manufacture and applications of adsorbent carbon fibers are discussed in Chapter 3. The manufacture, structure and properties of high performance fibers are reviewed in Chapter 4, and the manufacture and properties of vapor grown fibers and their composites are reported in Chapter 5. The properties and applications of novel low density composites developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory are reported in Chapter 6.
Coal is an important source of energy and an abundant source of carbon. The production of engineering carbons and graphite from coal via a solvent extraction route is described in Chapter 7. Applications of activated carbons are discussed in Chapters 8-10, including their use in the automotive arena as evaporative loss emission traps (Chapter 8), and in vehicle natural gas storage tanks (Chapter 9). The application of activated carbons in adsorption heat pumps and refrigerators is discussed in Chapter 10. Chapter 11 reports the use of carbon materials in the fast growing consumer electronics application of lithium-ion batteries. The role of carbon materials in nuclear systems is discussed in Chapters 12 and 13, where fusion device and fission reactor applications, respectively, are reviewed. In Chapter 12 the major technological issues for the utilization of carbon as a plasma facing material are discussed in the context of current and future fusion tokamak devices.
The essential design features of graphite moderated reactors, (including gas-, water- and molten salt-cooled systems) are reviewed in Chapter 13, and reactor environmental effects such as radiation damage and radiolytic corrosion are discussed. The fracture behaviour of graphite is discussed in qualitative and quantitative terms in Chapter 14. The applications of Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics and Elastic-Plastic Fracture Mechanics to graphite are reviewed and a study of the role of small flaws in nuclear graphites is reported
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Carbon Nanotubes

Carbon nanotubes have been studied extensively in relation to fullerenes, and together with fullerenes have opened a new science and technology field on nano scale materials. A whole range of issues from the preparation, structure, properties and observation of quantum effects in carbon nanotubes in comparison with 0-D fullerenes are discussed.In addition, complementary reviews on carbon nanoparticles such as carbon nano-capsules, onion-like graphite particles and metal-coated fullerenes are covered. This book aims to cover recent research and development in this area, and so provide a convenient reference tool for all researchers in this field. It is also hoped that this book can serve to stimulate future work on carbon nanotubes.
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Chemical Process - Design & Integration

The Concept Chemical processing should form part of a sustainable industrial activity. For chemical processing, this means that processes should use raw materials as efficiently as is economic and practicable, both to prevent the production of waste that can be environmentally harmful and to preserve the reserves of raw materials as much as possible. Processes should use as little energy as economic and practicable, both to prevent the build-up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from burning fossil fuels and to preserve reserves of fossil fuels. Water must also be consumed in sustainable quantities. Aqueous and atmospheric emissions must not be environmentally harmful, and solid waste to landfill must be avoided. Finally, all aspects of chemical processing must feature good health and safety practice.

The Book is intended to be a textbook for undergraduate and postgraduate students of chemical engineering, and to be a practical guide for practicing process designers and chemical engineers and applied chemists working in process development.

Chemical Process Design and Integration deals in detail with the design and integration of chemical processes, emphasizing the conceptual issues. Chemical process design requires the selection of a series of processing steps and their integration to form a complete manufacturing system. The text emphasizes both the design and selection of the steps as individual operations and their integration. The design of utility systems has been dealt with in the text so that the interactions between processes and the utility system and interactions between different processes through the utility system can be exploited to maximize the performanceof the site as a whole. Chemical Process Design and Integration offers.
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Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics

Combining theoretical and empirical perspectives into a clearly organized and comprehensive text, Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics, Second Edition discusses the principal behavioral concepts of fluids and the basic methods of analysis for solving a variety of engineering situations. Drawing on the author's 35 years of experience, the book covers the problems and concerns of performance, equipment operation, and sizing and selection from the viewpoint of a process engineer-with real-world engineering problems. It supplies over 400 end-of-chapter problems and examples to reinforce essential concepts and contains over 1100 equations, literature references, illustrations, and tables.
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Organic Chemistry

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Environmental Control in Petroleum Engineering

The petroleum industry must minimize the environmental impact of its various operations. This extensively researched book assembles a tremendous amount of practical information to help reduce and control the environmental consequences of producing and processing petroleum and natural gas
The best way to treat pollution is not to create it in the first place. This book shows you how to plan and manage production activities to minimize and even eliminate some environmental problems without severely disrupting operations.

It focuses on ways to treat drilling and production wastes to reduce toxicity and/or volume before their ultimate disposal. You'll also find methods for safely transporting toxic materials from the upstream petroleum industry away from their release sites. For those sites already contaminated with petroleum wastes, this book reviews the remedial technologies available. Other topics include United States federal environmental regulations, sensitive habitats, major U.S. chemical waste exchanges, and offshore releases of oil
Environmental Control in Petroleum Engineering is essential for industry personnel with little or no training in environmental issues as well as petroleum engineering students.

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Chemistry of Petrochemical Processes

In Chemistry of Petrochemical Processes, readers find a handy and valuable source of information containing insights into petrochemical reactions and products, process technology, and polymer synthesis. The book reviews and describes the reactions and processes involved in transforming petroleum-based hydrocarbons into the chemicals that form the basis of the multi-billion dollar petrochemical industry. In addition, the book includes information on new process developments for the production of raw materials and intermediates for petrochemicals that have surfaced since the book's first edition.
Provides a quick understanding of the chemical reactions associated with oil and gas processing
Contains insights into petrochemical reactions and products, process technology, and polymer synthesis.
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An Introduction to Chemical Engineering Analysis

This book provides an introduction to chemical engineering analysis--the processes and designs used to manufacture, use, and dispose of chemical products.
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Modeling of Chemical Kinetics & Reactor Design

As a real-world introduction to the modeling of chemical kinetics and reactor design, the author includes a case study on ammonia synthesis that is integrated throughout the text.
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Plastics Engineering Handbook

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Saturday, 28 November 2009

Handbook of Airconditioning and Refrigeration

A broad range of disciplines--energy conservation and air quality issues, construction and design, and the manufacture of temperature-sensitive products and materials--is covered in this comprehensive handbook
* Provide essential, up-to-date HVAC data, codes, standards, and guidelines, all conveniently located in one volume
* A definitive reference source on the design, selection and operation of A/C and refrigeration systems

About the Author
Shan K. Wang (Alhambra, CA) holds master degrees from Harvard and MIT. He is the former Deputy Director, Chief Engineer for the Institute of Air Conditioning in Beijing, China, and has 50 years experience as a practicing engineer. He is the author of 11 books in the HVAC area.
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Handbook of Thermodynamic Data of Co-Polymer Solutions

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Handbook of Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning

HandbookofHVAC.jpg image by CuteBoys

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Handbook of Mass Measurement

اضغط على الصورة لرؤيتها بالحجم الطبيعي

Within one volume, this handbook provides detailed, up-to-date information on the various aspects of measuring mass. This is an exhaustive, unique work that includes citations and summaries of the published literature, but much of the material presented is the authors' own work. It will be of enormous interest and utility to those involved in mass metrology at the highest levels, in science, engineering, industry, commerce, legal metrology, and in more routine measurements and weighings
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Friday, 27 November 2009

Aerodynamics of Cars

Race Car Aerodynamics is the first book to summarize the secrets of the rapidly developing field of high-speed vehicle design. Over the past 15 years, author Joseph Katz has been involved with aerodynamic development in the most competitive areas of motorsport today. From Formula One, to Indy Car, Drag and Sedan Racing, this book provides clear explanations for both engineers who want to improve their design skills, and enthusiasts who want to understand how their favorite cars go fast.

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Helicopter Dynamics

Bramwells Helicopter Dynamics is a book for the mathematically minded student. Too much detail for even the CPL(H) but an overall excellent text for those not scared of the greek alphabet.
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Introduction to Space Sciences & Spacecraft Applications

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Aircraft Design Projects for Engineering Students

Written with students of aerospace or aeronautical engineering firmly in mind, this is a practical and wide-ranging book that draws together the various theoretical elements of aircraft design - structures, aerodynamics, propulsion, control and others - and guides the reader in applying them in practice. Based on a range of detailed real-life aircraft design projects, including military training, commercial and concept aircraft, the experienced UK and US based authors present engineering students with an essential toolkit and reference to support their own project work.

All aircraft projects are unique and it is impossible to provide a template for the work involved in the design process. However, with the knowledge of the steps in the initial design process and of previous experience from similar projects, students will be freer to concentrate on the innovative and analytical aspects of their course project.

The authors bring a unique combination of perspectives and experience to this text. It reflects both British and American academic practices in teaching aircraft design. Lloyd Jenkinson has taught aircraft design at both Loughborough and Southampton universities in the UK and Jim Marchman has taught both aircraft and spacecraft design at Virginia Tech in the US

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Aeronautical Engineering

This is an essential handy guide containing useful up to date information regularly needed by the student or practising engineer
Covering all aspects of aircraft, both fixed wing and rotary craft, this pocket book provides quick access to useful aeronautical engineering data and sources of information for further in-depth information.Quick reference to essential data. Most up to date information available.
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Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students

Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students' provides a completely self contained course in aircraft structures, which includes discussion on the fundamentals of elasticity and aircraft structural analysis, as well as the associated topics of airworthiness and aeroelasticity. Although much of the basic material is timeless, the author has updated the text throughout, including new material on areas that have developed since the last edition - in both educational and technological terms. As well as extensive revisions, the new edition includes a solutions manual for all end of chapter problems to accompany the text
The expansion of aviation makes aircraft structures an increasingly important topic at undergraduate level. Since its original publication in 1972, this book has become the 'bible' for aircraft structures
Extra worked examples and problems. Latest materials in aircraft construction.

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The Theory & Design of Air Cushion Craft

This definitive text describes the theory and design both of Air Cushion Vehicles (ACV) and Surface Effect Ships (SES). It begins by introducing hovercraft types and their development and application throughout the world in the last three decades, before going on to discuss the theoretical aspects of ACV and SES craft covering their hovering performance, dynamic trim over calm water, resistance, stability, manoeuvrability, skirt configuration and analysis of forces acting on the skirts, ACV and SES seakeeping, and the methodology of scaling aerodynamic and hydrodynamic forces acting on the ACV/SES from model test data.

The latter chapters describe a design methodology, including design criteria and standard methods for estimating craft performance, lift system design, skirt design, hull structure, propulsion systems and power unit selection. Much technical information, data, and references to further work on hovercraft and SES design is provided. The book will be a useful reference to engineers, technicians, teachers, students (both undergraduate and postgraduate), operators etc. who are involved in ACV/SES research, design, construction and operation.

Guides the reader on how to perform machinery and systems selection within ACV and SES overall design.

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Fundamentals of Project Management

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Software Project Management

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Time Management

By Marc Mancini

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Mechanical Engineer's Reference Book

'In 1946 the Newnes Engineers Reference Book set a new standard for a high quality reference publication for engineers. This twelfth edition continues the tradition and has been completely rewritten to incorporate all subjects of importance to mechanical engineers.'
The Engineer's Journal

'The presentation of the book is good - the text is clear and easy to read and the illustrations and the diagrams are very good indeed. The span of subjects is comprehensive and I can honestly say that I would like to have this one on the shelf at home.'
Mechanical Incorporated Engineer

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Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Sedney Sheldon: The Naked Face

Judd Stevens is a psychoanalyst faced with the most critical case of his life. If he does not penetrate the mind of a murderer he will find himself arrested for murder or murdered himself...

Two people closely involved with Dr. Stevens have already been killed. Is one of his patients responsible? Someone overwhelmed by his problems? A neurotic driven by compulsion? A madman? Before the murderer strikes again, Judd must strip away the mask of innocence the criminal wears, uncover his inner emotions, fears, and desires-expose the naked face beneath...

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The Naked Face.pdf


When a mysterious weather balloon crashes to earth in the Swiss Alps, the head of the NSA handpicks Robert Bellamy to track down and identify the ten known witnesses to the event. A man whose obsession with his covert assignments has cost him the only woman he can ever love, Bellamy now faces the impossible. But as he searches for clues from Rome to Budapest to Texas, this mission blows up in his face-and rips the lid off an incredible conspiracy that stretches around the globe and even into space...

Alone and betrayed on every side, Bellamy must run for his life-holding an astonishing secret and the key to the planet's very survival.

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Sedney Sheldon: Tell Me Your Dreams

Three gorgeous women.
One dangerous secret.

Ashley, elegant yet haunted...Toni, sultry as well as vivacious...Alette, lovely and totally without conceit...three beautiful young women suspected of committing a series of horrifying murders. One of the most bizarre murder trials of the century is about to begin and reveal an astounding, startling piece of medical evidence almost impossible to believe. Sweeping from London to Rome, from Quebec to San Francisco, this latest tale from the world's reigning master storyteller is so much more than a mystery: It is a searching, riveting, and, finally, triumphant foray into the dark, wild depths of the human heart.

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Tell Me Your Dreams.pdf

Sedney Sheldon: If Tomorrow Comes

She's Tracy Whitney, Sidney Sheldon's most exciting heroine ever.

Lovely, idealistic, she's soon to enter a life of hardship and revenge, one that will lead her into a dazzling world of sumptuous wealth, audacious exploits, and narrow escapes-and to a passion that promises to fulfill all her secret dreams...

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Monday, 23 November 2009

Fundamentals of Die Casting Design

Fundamentals of Die Casting Design
Genick Bar–Meir, Ph. D.
1107 16th Ave S. E.
Minneapolis, MN 55414-2411

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Sunday, 22 November 2009

Sidney Sheldon : THE SANDS OF TIME

Spain. A land of eternal passion and unceasing bloodshed. From the vengeance of a pitiless tyrant, four women flee the sacred, once-safe walls of a convent:

Lucia, the proud survivor harboring a murderous secret from the savage clan wars of Sicily...

Graciella, the beauty still unpurged of guilt from one reckless, youthful sin...

Megan, the orphan seeking perilous refuge in the arms of a defiant Basque rebel...and

Teresa, the believer haunted by a faith that mocks her with silence.

Leaving innocence but not hope behind, they venture into an alien, dazzling world, where each will encounter an unexpected destiny-and the truth about herself

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Sidney Sheldon : THE SKY IS FALLING

The Winthrops are America's royal family, and its Prince Charming is the sexy, charismatic Gary Winthrop. Now the man on his way to becoming the Senate's brightest new star is found murdered in his home—the latest in a series of accidents that have killed five members of the family in a single year. One of the last people to see Gary Winthrop alive is Washington anchorwoman Dana Evans. She makes it her mission to investigate these seemingly random tragedies, little realizing that her search will sweep her across several continents, place her and her young son in grave danger, and lead her to a truth that will astound the world.

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Sunday, 15 November 2009

Java Regular Expressions

Java Regular Expressions Taming
the java Dot util Dot regex Engine
An excellent resource on all aspects of regular expressions in Java
Author by Mehran Habibi

Click here

Java FX Script

Java FX Script
Dynamic Java Scripting for Rich
Internet/Client-Side Applications
Author by James L. Weaver

Click here:

Practical JRuby on Rails Web 2.0 Projects

Practical JRuby on Rails Web 2.0 Projects
Bringing Ruby on Rails to the Java Platform

Click here:

Scripting in Java

Scripting in Java
Languages, Frameworks, and Patterns
Author by Dejan Bosanac
Click here:

Pragmatic Bookshelf Programming Groovy Maret

Pragmatic Bookshelf Programming Groovy
by Scott Davis
Editted by Daniel H. Steinberg

Click here

Pragmatic Bookshelf Programming Groovy

Pragmatic Bookshelf Programming Groovy
Dynamic Productivity For the Java Developer
By Venkat Subramaniam
Editted by Daniel H. Steinberg

Click here:

Professional Java Development with the Spring Framework 2005

Click here

Visual Basic .NET Bible

Click here:

Beginning Spring Framework 2

Click here:

Microsoft SQL Server TM 2005

Click Here :

Expert Oracle JDBC Programming

Click Here to:

SIDNEY SHELDON:The Stars Shine Down

Lara Cameron is America's Princess, the power behind the tallest building on earth, a self-made billionaire who towers over a traditionally male domain, an icon of glamour and accomplishment to men and women everywhere. Beautiful but insecure, ruthless yet vulnerable, Lara has struggled brutally to achieve it all—yet she still wants more. And in a dazzling global setting from London to New York, from Reno to Rome, she will find everything she has ever desired and won—her fortune, her fame, the man she loves-swiftly and shockingly imperiled.

To download:

The Stars Shine Down.pdf

Saturday, 14 November 2009


She's on the glinting edge of East_West confrontation, a beautiful and accomplished scholar who has suddenly become our newest ambassador to an Iron Curtain country, a woman who is about to dramatically change the course of world events-if she lives.

For Mary Ashley has been marked for death by the world's most proficient and mysterious assassin, and plunged into a nightmare of espionage,kidnapping, and terror. Here, only two people-both powerfully attractive and ultimately enigmatic men-can offer her help. And one of them wants to kill her.

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Friday, 13 November 2009

THERMAL ENGG\Kreith, Frank - The CRC Handbook of Thermal Engineering [CRC Press, 2000]

To be successful in the international marketplace, corporations must have access to the latest developments and most recent experimental data. Traditional handbooks of heat transfer stress fundamental principles, analytical approaches to thermal problems, and elegant solutions to classical problems. The CRC Handbook of Thermal Engineering is not a traditional handbook. Engineers in industry need up-to-date, accessible information on the applications of heat and mass transfer-The CRC Handbook of Thermal Engineering.

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This book is my Bible. It does not explain you how to add 2HP to the engine, it explains how all that works and why, with theory, numbers and serious real world tests.
You may be interested in the theory: you'll find all you need to understand more detailled research papers.
You don't need theory: you may simply trust very comprehensive and clear conclusions which explain with figures and numbers how thinks work.
The book covers Spark Ignited and Diesel engines, indirect and direct injected.
The book does not cover recent works on high speed SI (like Honda VTEC) and turbo-diesel engines, as well the indirect injected stratified combustion engines.

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